Adaptive Changes in the Psyche of Homo sapiens during the Period of the Singularity

Alexander G. Kruglov, Andrey A. Kruglov

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2020;10(2):95-100.
DOI: 10.21103/Article10(2)_PV
Originally published June 15, 2020


The perception of environmental images that are not in causal relationships and are not interconnected sequences forms what is called clip thinking (ClipT). The concomitant decrease in the analytical-synthetic psychic functions is the result of “images” from the environment (not constructs of the psyche of the subject) being crowded out by a sequence of other images, and so are not kept in the field of voluntary attention for sufficient time for fixation. As a result, along with analytical and synthetic functions, from the sequential series of operational functions of conceptual thinking (ConceptT), come the closing steps of the perception phase—the default mode network (DMN) activity.
The result is changes in the reciprocal relationship between the perception and processing of incoming information. The deficiency changes in DMN cause an imbalance of structures that provide "focus and defocus," difficulty fixing attention and filtering information, interruption of social relations, and other disruptions. ClipT forms the ability to perceive a larger (compared to ConceptT) amount of short volumes of information per unit of time, with an increase in the total number and range of heterogeneous units of incoming information, increasing the multitasking of thinking and allowing the simultaneous execution of several types of activities.
The prospective dynamics in the development of ClipT forms global unified communicative codes with the potency of the functional association of subject groups that do not have stratification and quantitative restrictions. The distribution of information in these associations, which have almost identical characteristics of operational symbols (OSs), and the high speed of distribution of content on an unlimited scale of social networks, is similar to infection mechanisms during epidemics. ClipT is at the initial stages of development, adapting the psyche to accelerating changes in the environmental information parameters. We believe that ClipT and ConceptT are various interfering processes of the transforming psyche of Homo sapiens.
The development of ClipT creates the conditions for the psyche to transition to a new qualitative level, with a change in structure and a transition to a new class of systems. In the conditions of increasing density, speed, randomness of the information flow and increasing degree of uncertainty, we consider the new phase transition as the attractor of the described changes in thinking (the psyche as a whole) of HS—the singularity period determining the changes (transformation of thinking is the most accessible integral research feature of significant, but less noticeable changes in the psyche as a whole) that take place with the future final state of a unified information system, including external devices and adaptive integral changes in the properties of the psyche as a whole.

clip thinking • conceptual thinking • singularity • attractor • evolutionary development
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Received April 14, 2020.
Accepted May 17, 2020.
©2020 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.