Clinical and Bacteriological Considerations for Applying Diathermy in Treatment of Teeth with Partial Pulp Necrosis

Fatima Yu. Daurova, Diana I. Tomaeva, Timur V. Melkumyan, Angela D. Dadamova

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2020;10(2):148-152.
DOI: 10.21103/Article10(2)_OA12
Originally published June 15, 2020.


Background: The aim of the present pilot study was to assess the bactericidal efficacy of a high frequency diathermy irradiation in treatment of teeth with diagnosed partial pulp necrosis.
Methods and Results: The study included 83 patients aged between 22 and 54 years (mean age of 39±10 years) with irreversible pulpitis and signs of partial pulp necrosis in multi-rooted teeth (n=83). All patients were randomized in two groups in accordance with conducting therapy modes: 1) a conventional root canal treatment (Group 1, n=40); 2) a conventional treatment protocol in conjunction with a high frequency diathermy irradiation (Group 2, n=43). The postoperative sensitivity of treated teeth was assessed with the help of the Verbal Rating Scale (VRS). The quality of a root canal disinfection was evaluated by the presence of a cultural growth. The periapical index scoring system (PAI) was used for evaluation of periapical changes in every tooth after endodontic therapy. The occurrence of postoperative pain in Groups 1 and 2 demonstrated a similar reduction in toothache dynamics at all time intervals when assessments were made, and analysis of tooth radiographs in both groups of patients did not reveal a significant difference. As for the evaluation of a cultural growth, the signs of turbidity were detected in 6 samples of Group 1 and in 4 samples of Group 2.
Conclusion: The possible antimicrobial efficacy of a high frequency diathermy in treatment of teeth with partial pulp necrosis was demonstrated.  However, further studies should be made to confirm the results of this clinical trial.

multi-rooted teeth • partial pulp necrosis • diathermy irradiation • antimicrobial efficacy
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Received May 4, 2020.
Accepted May 29, 2020.
©2020 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.