Health Relationship Management Services (HRMS). A New Healthcare Paradigm Using the 5Rs

Nik Tehrani, PhD

DynoSense Academy; San Jose, CA, USA

*Corresponding author: Nik Tehrani, PhD. DynoSense Academy, San Jose, CA, USA.

Published: March 16, 2016. DOI: 10.21103/Article6(1)_CC1


Health Relationship Management Services (HRMS) is a new paradigm comprised of the 5Rs which define a comprehensive patient healthcare system in the digital health age.  This service uses a health monitoring system with sensors and a patient application portal that can Read data and securely send it to the cloud with amended data from Electronic Health Records (EHR).  The read data is Restructured by analytics software for evaluation and personalization in an aggregated form represented by an individualized health scoring and demographic grading system.  The Results are previously restructured data that must become actionable to lead to an escalation path to the Communication Center for a Response.   On a periodic basis, Repeat of the cycle will improve patient health outcomes through an interconnected link of services for optimal continuous health relationship management. Providers can leverage the HRMS platform to generate data-driven approaches fostering a positive and lasting impact on their patient's health.  Payers can track data to ensure a more healthy patient population and review meaningful  outcomes.

Health Relationship Management Services (HRMS); new health paradigm; 5Rs; Patient Health Narratives (PHN); Patient Engagement

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Int J Biomed. 2016; 6(1):87-89. © 2016 International Medical Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved.