Assessment of Sperm Morphometry in Evaluating Male Infertility

Ramadan S. Hussein; Essam-Eldeen M. Mohamed; Refaat R Mohamed, Walid Kamal Abdelbasset, Wessam Ezzat Morsy, Shereen H. Elsayed

For citation: Hussein RS, Mohamed EEM, Mohamed RR, Abdelbasset WK, Morsy WE, Elsayed SH. Assessment of Sperm Morphometry in Evaluating Male Infertility. International Journal of Biomedicine. 2024;14(1):93-98. doi:10.21103/Article14(1)_ OA14
Originally published March 1, 2024


Background: Infertility is a complex issue affecting 15% of couples of reproductive age, with men accounting for 40%-50% of infertility cases. Semen analysis comprises various descriptive measures of sperm and seminal fluid to determine semen quality. Transforming qualitative descriptions of sperm deformities and shape changes into quantitative terms can aid in identifying sub-visual abnormalities. This study aimed to evaluate sperm morphometry parameters in both infertile and fertile men.
Methods and Results: The study enrolled a total of 101 participants, divided into three groups: Group A included 38 subfertile patients with varicocele, Group B included 33 patients with idiopathic infertility (23 with asthenozoospermia and 10 with oligozoospermia), and Group C (the control group) included 30 healthy fertile men. The mean age of patients was 31.6±5.81, 31.3±6.0, and 29.47±4.27 years in Groups A, B, and C, respectively. Scrotal duplex examinations were performed to identify the presence of varicocele. Semen samples were collected following WHO Manual (2010). Semen dynamic and morphological analyses were conducted using CASA (Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis, MIRALAB, ISO9001, ISO13485).
We found that sperm concentration, total sperm count, sperm progressive motility, and sperm progressive+non-progressive motility were significantly lower in Group A and Group B than in Group C (P=0.000 in all cases); however, there were no differences between Group A and Group B regarding these parameters (Table 5). The sperm morphology index was significantly lower in Group A than in Group C (P=0.0024); no differences were found between Group B and Group C and Group B and Group A. The mean value of the sperm deformity index was significantly lower in Group A than in Group C P=0.004).
Conclusion: Our study highlights the significant association between sperm morphology and male infertility in varicocele and idiopathic subfertile males.

infertility • semen quality • varicocele
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Received November 6, 2023.
Accepted December 20, 2023.
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