Comparative Evaluation of Resin Infiltration and Bifluoride Varnish in White Spots in Children between the Ages of 8 and 15 Years

Blerta Krasniqi, Meri Pavlevska, Erejeta Deva Kurshumliu, Blerta Latifi Xhemajli, Teuta Kutllovci

For citation: Krasniqi B, Pavlevska M, Kurshumliu ED, Xhemajli BL, Kutllovci T. Comparative Evaluation of Resin Infiltration and Bifluoride Varnish in White Spots in Children between the Ages of 8 and 15 Years. International Journal of Biomedicine. 2024;14(2):329-334. doi:10.21103/Article14(2)_OA16
Originally published June 5, 2024


The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of resin infiltration and bifluoride varnish in white spot lesions (WSLs) in children between the ages of 8 and 15.
Methods and Results: This study was conducted at Alma Mater Europaea Campus College "Rezonanca" (Pristina, Kosovo) and enrolled 60 participants (34 females and 26 males) between the ages of 8 and 15 years with WSLs in the vestibular surface on permanent anterior teeth. The participants were randomly assigned to the resin infiltration (Icon®) group (Group 1, n=30) and the bifluoride varnish (F&A Biflu) group (Group 2, n=30). Both materials were applied on permanent anterior teeth with WSLs in enamel. WSLs were assessed using ICDAS-II (International Caries Detection and Assessment System) criteria by visual inspection, which were coded as 1 and 2. Lesions were evaluated before the material was applied (T0), just after application (T1), and at a 6-month follow-up (T2). A total of 173 teeth from 60 participants were included in our study. Group 1 showed a significant decrease in ICDAS-II scores throughout time intervals T0-T1 (P=0.001), T0-T2 (P=0.001), and T1-T2 (P=0.041). In Group 2, there was no visible difference between T0-T1 (P=1.00) but a significant decrease between T0-T2 (P=0.001) and T1-T2 (P=0.001). Comparisons between the two groups in relation to T0, T1, and T2 were analyzed using the independent samples t-test. Significant differences have been presented in two cases at T1 (P=0.001) and T2 (P=0.003). ICDAS-II scores decreased significantly in Group 1.
Conclusion: The application of RI in WSLs was found to be more effective than the application of BFV. While the effects of BFV in WSLs persisted over time, the effect of RI was evident as soon as WSLs were treated. Moving forward, we recommend considering RI as a favorable option for WSL treatment. Future studies with long-term follow-ups are necessary to corroborate these results.

white spot lesion • ICDAS-II criteria • bifluoride varnish • resin infiltration
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Received April 18, 2024.
Accepted May 26, 2024.
©2024 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.