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Updated: 15 min 19 sec ago

Burdock roots outshine dandelion in antidiabetic potential study

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 22:26
Study compares the antidiabetic potential of dandelion and burdock roots, finding burdock exhibits higher total phenolic content and α-amylase activity, while dandelion has higher total polysaccharide content, warranting further in vivo studies.

Evolutionary history shapes dog lifespan: Purebreds' survival varies widely

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 22:08
Study reveals that dog breed lifespan variability links to their evolutionary history and artificial selection, highlighting significant lifespan differences across breeds and the influence of size and cranial shape on survival.

Childhood obesity not linked to adult skin cancer risk, study says

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 21:51
Study leverages a Mendelian randomization approach to explore if childhood obesity genetically predisposes individuals to adult skin cancer, finding no significant correlation.

Neural implants face ethical hurdles, study finds

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 20:27
Study delves into the ethical, design, and clinical trial challenges of AI-driven neural implants, highlighting the need for advancements in accuracy, user privacy, and societal acceptance.

Study reveals vascular health disparities between Black and white men with prostate cancer diagnosis

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 04:50
Microvascular function is lower is Black men following a recent diagnosis of prostate cancer, compared to white men, according to researchers at the Medical College of Georgia.

Regular late-life exercise has a beneficial impact on DNA damage and telomere dysfunction

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 04:20
Regular aerobic exercise later in life prevents genomic instability characterized by DNA damage and telomere dysfunction, according to a study from the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Utah.

Heavy alcohol use linked to increased risk of Type 2 diabetes in middle-aged adults

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 04:11
Heavy alcohol use may increase middle-aged adults' risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, according to research to be presented this week at the American Physiology Summit in Long Beach, California.

Intermittent fasting enhances glucose processing and intestinal health in aging mice

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 03:45
A study conducted in mice found that intermittent fasting brought benefits beyond weight loss, suggesting the practice could help the body better process glucose and reduce age-related declines in intestinal function.

Obesity and high-fat diets linked to accelerated aging in brain blood vessels

Sun, 04/07/2024 - 01:57
A new study conducted in mice traces how obesity and a high-fat diet may accelerate aging in the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.

UCLA study finds pre-surgery immunotherapy safe for pancreatic cancer patients

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 23:51
A pilot study led by UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center investigators suggests that for people with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer, administrating an immunotherapy drug in combination with chemotherapy before surgery is safe and may improve long-term outcomes.

Blast exposure can cause intestinal permeability, study shows

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 23:42
A study by New York and Rocky Mountain U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs researchers showed blast exposure can cause intestinal permeability, a condition that can lead to gut bacteria entering the bloodstream and causing problems in other parts of the body.

Hot climates worsen chronic kidney disease outcomes

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 23:07
Chronic kidney disease patients living in the hottest countries experienced an additional 8% drop in kidney function each year compared to those living in temperate climates, finds a new study from researchers at UCL and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

Innovative breast cancer treatment sequence yields positive results

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 22:45
Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center showed that altering the sequence of breast cancer treatment to administer radiation before mastectomy allowed for concurrent breast reconstruction surgery, which reduced the number of operations required, minimized treatment delays and improved patient satisfaction.

Blood test every five years could revolutionize prostate cancer screening

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 19:41
A simple blood test every five years is sufficient to screen low risk men for prostate cancer, new research has shown.

Smell relies more on predictions than sight or hearing

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 16:22
The sense of smell is highly influenced by the cues from other senses, while the sense of sight and hearing are affected to a much lesser extent, shows a new study in Journal of Neuroscience.

Neuroscientists identify age-defying RNAs in the brain

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 16:14
Certain RNA molecules in the nerve cells in the brain last a life time without being renewed. Neuroscientists from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have now demonstrated that this is the case together with researchers from Germany, Austria and the USA.

Study highlights vaccine rollout inequities in New York City

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 16:05
Despite vaccine shortages, many younger people in New York City accessed vaccines ahead of schedule, particularly in high-income areas, according to new research at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Human neuron model identifies potential therapeutic targets for Alzheimer's disease

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 15:59
Weill Cornell Medicine scientists have developed an innovative human neuron model that robustly simulates the spread of tau protein aggregates in the brain-;a process that drives cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia.

Lifetime stress exposure impacts cardiovascular reactivity in Black Americans, study shows

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 15:30
Daily and lifetime exposure to stress may cause wear and tear on the stress responses of Black Americans, blunting their biological stress response, a new University of Michigan study shows.

UC San Diego researchers discover genetic connections to alcohol consumption

Fri, 04/05/2024 - 15:09
A research group centered at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine has drilled deep into a dataset of over 3 million individuals compiled by the direct-to-consumer genetics company 23andMe, Inc., and found intriguing connections between genetic factors influencing alcohol consumption and their relationship with other disorders.
